(Last updated : 2024-11-11 14:59:02)
  Yoshihide Noritake
   Department   Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare  ,
   Position   Instructor
■ Present specialized field
Educational psychology (Key Word:Working memory, Test anxiety, Emotional regulation) 
■ Journal
1. 2024/03/31 Associations between career choice anxiety, career exploration and critical thinking attitudes among adolescents 
2. 2023/08/25 Role of Cross-Modal Binding in Reading Japanese Kana Letters 
3. 2023/04/26 The Relationship Between Working Memory and Self-Esteem in Cognitive Reappraisal 
4. 2022/09/24 Does shift-and-persist strategy buffer career choice anxiety and affect career exploration? 
5. 2020/06/30 Effects of Short Expressive Writing Interventions on High-Pressure-Induced Reductions in Working Memory Task Performance 
Display all(7)
■ Presentation
1. 2024/07/22 Relationship between episodic buffer of working memory and five factors of emotional competence (Poster notice,General) 
2. 2021/07/21 Analysis of written content on short structured expressive writing to alleviate test anxiety (Poster notice,General) 
3. 2019/11/13 The effect of short, structured expressive writing on emotional regulation and test anxiety in junior high school students. (Poster notice,General) 
4. 2019/09/27 Short Structured Expressive Writing Decreases Anxiety in Junior High School Students. (Poster notice,General)