(Last updated : 2024-04-01 10:40:54)
  Kayano Isao
   Department   Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare  ,
   Position   Professor
■ Present specialized field
Biomedical engineering, Electron device and electronic equipment, Computer system, Life, health and medical informatics 
■ Journal
1. 2023/12/11 Enhancing the Generalization Performance of Drowsiness Estimation AI in Drivers using Time-Series Data from FAU with Limited Datasets 
2. 2023/11/29 Electric Field Attenuation of Wireless Medical Telemeters by Hospital Structures 
3. 2021/11/29 Electromagnetic environment for a wireless medical telemeter due to surrounding walls  Link
4. 2021/09/01 A Fast and Accurate Tube Diameter Visualization Method for Digestive System Medical Images 
5. 2021/07/01 An Asynchronous Serial Multiplier Based on Complementary Control for the Idle Phase 
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■ Presentation
1. 2018/08/29 An In-Vehicle Contact-less Heartbeat Monitoring System Using UWB Sensor (口頭,シンポジウム・ワークショップ パネル(公募)) 
2. 2018/06/19 Formal Verification of a management system for ventilator (ポスター掲示,一般) 
3. 2018/06/19 Quantitative evaluation of mental excitement of slot machine players (口頭,一般)  Link
4. 2017/11/06 A Smart low power R-R-I heartbeat monitor system with contactless UWB sensor (口頭,特別講演・招待講演など) 
5. 2011/09/18 Evaluation of white radish sprouts growth influenced by magnetic fields using TOF-SIMS and MCR (ポスター掲示,一般) 
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