オチ ノブアキ   Nobuaki Ochi
  越智 宣昭
   所属   川崎医科大学  医学部 臨床医学 総合内科学4
   職種   講師
Language English
Title Two Newly Discovered Mechanisms of Acquired Resistance to the Selective ALK Inhibitor Alectinib in Lung Cancer
Conference The 74th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association
Conference Type Nationwide Conferences
Presentation Type Speech
Lecture Type General
Publisher and common publisher◎Isozaki Hideko, Ichihara Eiki, Takigawa Nagio, Ohashi Kadoaki, Hotta Katsuyuki, Ochi Nobuaki, Yasugi Masayuki, Ninomiya Takashi, Yamane Hiromichi, Sendo Toshiaki, Tanimoto Mitsune, Kiura Katsuyuki
Date 2015/10/08
(city and name of the country)