Masaaki Tanino
   Department   Kawasaki Medical School  Kawasaki Medical School, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine,
   Position   Assistant Professor
Article types 原著
Language English
Peer review Peer reviewed
Title Precautions for the cleanliness evaluation of reusable medical devices by alkaline extration of residual proteins.
Journal Formal name:医療機器学
ISSN code:18824978
Domestic / ForeginDomestic
Volume, Issue, Page 90(6),pp.490-500
Total page number 11
Author and coauthor 谷野 雅昭, 植松 美幸, 野村 祐介, 宮本 優子, 蓜島 由二
Authorship Lead author
Publication date 2020/10/05