(Last updated : 2024-12-02 10:52:25)
  Evelyn Hayashibara
   Department   Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare  ,
   Position   Instructor
■ Present specialized field
Sociology, Politics, Foreign language education, Special needs education, Linguistics (Key Word:English and German Language Education - Dyslexia Research - Communication Science - Political Science) 
■ BooK
1. 2021/04/30   Dyslexia as a learning disability in Japanese society, Legasthenie als Lernbehinderung in der japanischen Gesellschaft (Masterarbeit)  Link
■ Journal
1. 2023/10/13 Learner-led and Inclusive Approaches to Language Learning Through Group Presentations: Practitioner Reflections on an English Presentation Course
グループ・プレゼンテーションを通した言語学習への学習者主導およびインクルーシブ・アプローチ: 英語プレゼンテーションコースの実践的考察 
2. 1998/12/01 FOCUS CULTURE. Japan in Austrian contemporary art: when green tea meets milk.  Link
■ Presentation
1. 2024/10/13 The 9th Kokusai Juku, Toward a Society Where People Live Together with Foreigners! Immigration in Europe and the U.S. (Speech,Panelist at Symposium/Workshop (Appointed))  Link
2. 2024/04/20 Learner-led teaching and inclusion (Poster notice,Panelist at Symposium/Workshop (Applied))  Link
3. 2023/04/15 Dyslexia and Communication: Dyslexia - Teaching approaches for students with Dyslexia and other LD (Japanese and international approaches) (Poster notice,General)  Link
4. 2023/03/30 Dyslexia and Communication (Speech,Special/Invited Lecture) 
■ Belonging society
1. 1998~ University of Vienna, AAJ Akademischer Arbeitskreis Japan Link
2. 2018~ Kibi Gakukai Link
3. 2021/04~ Kawasaki Society of Medical Welfare Link
4. 2024~ JALT Okayama Link