(Last updated : 2023-09-04 15:41:42)
  Mitsuru Shiota
   Department   Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare  ,
   Position   Professor with Special Assignment
■ BooK
1. 2016/07   12. Pregnancy 
■ Journal
1. 2015/04 Erythropoietin Receptor Antagonist Suppressed Ectopic Hemoglobin Synthesis in Xenografts of Hela Cells to Promote Their Destruction 
2. 2013 Ovarian tumor cases that were preoperatively diagnosed as benign but postoperatively confirmed as borderline or malignant after laparoscopic surgery 
3. 2013 Uterus-sparing myomectomy for uterine pyomyoma following cesarian section 
4. 2013 Erythropoietin is involved in hemoprotein syntheses in developing human decidua 
5. 2013 Exposure to ethynil estradiol prenatally and/or after sexual maturity induces endometriosis and precancerous lesions in uteri and ovaries of mice 
Display all(16)
■ Presentation
1. 2015/11/07 Why Japan has lower sarcoma in laparoscopic myomectomy ? (Speech,Special/Invited Lecture) 
2. 2013/11/12 Fibroid: The Proper Time to Conceive after Laparoscopic Myomectomy (Speech,Panelist at Symposium/Workshop (Appointed)) 
3. 2016/11/06 Laoaroscopic Myomectomy - indications and techniques (Speech,Panelist at Symposium/Workshop (Appointed)) 
4. 2016/11/05 Pregnancy after laparoscopic myomectomy (Speech,Panelist at Symposium/Workshop (Appointed)) 
■ Lecturer and lecture
1. 2016/11 To 3D, or to 4K Ultra HD, that is the question.
■ Belonging society
1. 2003~ APAGE (Asia-Pacific Association for Gynecologic Endoscopy & Minimally Invasive Therapy)
2. 2011/12~2012/11 ∟ President
3. 2012/12~ ∟ Board member