(Last updated : 2023-03-28 11:11:17)
  Kawamoto Kei Kenichiro
   Department   Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare  ,
   Position   Associate Professor
■ Present specialized field
Rehabilitation science, Experimental psychology, Optical engineering and photon science 
■ BooK
1. 2011   Visual condition at sea for the safety navigation, International recent issues about ECDIS, E-navigation and safety at sea - marine navigation and safety of sea transportation 
■ Journal
1. 2016/03 Color constancy of color deficient observers under illuminations defined by individual color discrimination ellipsoid 
2. 2015/09 The Effect of Luminance Change for OOW's Visual Cognition 
3. 2014/04 Repeatability of visual acuity testing using a psychometric function 
4. 2012/09 Color Categorization of Color Deficiencies, effects of illuminance and categorization correspondence to normal trichromat 
5. 2012/09 Color constancy on red-green color deficient observers under illuminant change on confusion line 
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■ Presentation
1. 2019/12/01 Emotional responses of dichromate to colors and color names (ポスター掲示,一般) 
2. 2014/07/23 Evaluation of the relationship between color discriminability, color categorization, and glare perception while wearing colored lenses in young adults (ポスター掲示,一般) 
3. 2014/01/21 What are needed as the visual function on the duties at sea? (口頭,シンポジウム・ワークショップ パネル(指名)) 
4. 2013/10/31 Evaluating the relationship between the psychometric function of visual acuity and the properties of ocular optical systems (ポスター掲示,一般) 
5. 2012/09/25 Color constancy on red-green color deficient observers under illuminant change on confusion line (ポスター掲示,一般) 
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