(Last updated : 2024-05-17 14:46:44)
  Kouji Yasuyama
   Department   Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare  ,
   Position   Professor with Special Assignment
■ Present specialized field
Morphology and anatomical structure, Animal physiological chemistry, physiology and behavioral biology 
■ Journal
1. 2022/02 Efforts and evaluation of pre-entrance education between Kawasaki Medical School and
Kawasaki Senior High School from 2016 to 2018
2. 2021/05/13 The formation of a hatching line in the serosal cuticle confers multifaceted adaptive functions on the eggshell of a cicada  Link
3. 2018/09 Putative Neural Network Within an Olfactory Sensory Unit for Nestmate and Non-nestmate Discrimination in the Japanese Carpenter Ant: The Ultra-structures and Mathematical Simulation.  Link
4. 2018/01 Anatomical characterization of PDF-tri neurons and peptidergic neurons associated with eclosion behavior in Drosophila
5. 2015/05 Neuroanatomy of pars intercerebralis neurons with special reference to their connections with neurons immunoreactive for pigment-dispersing factor in the blow fly Protophormia terraenovae (DOI 10.1007/s00441-015-2192-x) 
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■ Presentation
1. 2017/11/03 Localization of innexin in the antennae of the Japanese carpenter ant, Camponotus japonicus, and its involvement in the specific functions of dendritic network for the chemosensory system of nestmate-nonnestmate discrimination. (Poster notice,General) 
2. 2016/12/03 A ghost leg-like 3D network of the dendritic processes of 100 receptor neurons in the nestmate-nonnestmate discriminating sensillun of the Japanese carpenter ant, Camponotus japonicus. (Poster notice,Panelist at Symposium/Workshop (Other)) 
3. 2016/06/05 Ultrastructure of the olfactory sensory unit consisting of 100 receptor neurons for nestmate-nonnestmate discrimination in Camponotus japonicus. (Poster notice,General) 
4. 2015/03/19 Timing of the peptide-orchestrated eclosion behavior in Drosophila (Speech,General) 
5. 2015/09/10 Timing of the peptide-orchestrated eclosion behaviour in Drosophila (Speech,General) 
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■ Belonging society
1. 1979/04~ Japanese Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry
2. 1979/04~ Zoological Society of Japan
3. 2001/03~ International Society for Neuroethology