(Last updated : 2023-09-09 10:53:27)
  Atsushi Nagai
   Department   Kawasaki Medical School  Faculty of Medicine, Kawasaki Medical School,
■ Present specialized field
■ BooK
1. 2013   Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Sexual Dysfunction, Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms(LUTS) 
2. 2004/01   Retroperitoneoscopic pyelotomy, New Challenges in Laparoscopic Urologic Surgery (Recent Advances in Endourology 5 ) 
■ Journal
1. 2019/03 Intra-abdominal desmoid tumor mimicking local recurrence of renal cell carcinoma after laparoscopic partial nephrectomy. 
2. 2019/02 Multidimensional analysis of clinicopathological characteristics of false-negative clinically significant prostate cancers on multiparametric MRI of the prostate in Japanese men. 
3. 2018 Male squirting: Analysis of one case using color Doppler ultrasonography 
4. 2017/08 Long-term compliance and treatment failure of alpha1-blocker for patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia 
5. 2016/11 Tadalafil for male lower urinary tract symptoms improves endothelial function 
Display all(53)
■ Presentation
1. 2019/11/09 Preventive effect of tadalafil for chronic inflammation in the prostate (口頭,一般) 
2. 2019/10/19 Renal Cell Carcinoma in Japanese Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease (ポスター掲示,一般) 
3. 2019/10/19 Validation of the Prostate Imaging and Reporting Data System Version 2(PI-RADS v2) for the detection of prostate cancer in Japanese men with elevated PSA Level. (ポスター掲示,一般) 
4. 2019/10 Anti-inflammatory Effects of lndoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase Inhibition in the Male Genital Inflammation (ポスター掲示,一般) 
5. 2019/05/05 Therapeutic effect of tadalafil in the chronic prostatitis (ポスター掲示,一般) 
Display all(93)