オカモト ノブオ
Okamoto Nobuo
岡本 宣雄 所属 川崎医療福祉大学 医療福祉学部 医療福祉学科 職種 教授 |
言語種別 | 英語 |
発表タイトル | A Short Overview of the History of Spiritual Care in Japan
-with theory to be used in the welfare area- |
会議名 | International Conference of Spiritual Care |
主催者 | International Association for Spiritual Care(IASC) |
学会区分 | 国際学会及び海外の学会 |
発表形式 | 口頭 |
講演区分 | シンポジウム・ワークショップ パネル(公募) |
発表者・共同発表者 | Nobuo Okamoto,Toshiyuki Kubotera |
発表年月日 | 2018/07/09 |
開催地 (都市, 国名) |
Union Theological Seminary(New York, USA) |
概要 | In this workshop, we will look at the historical circumstances of spiritual care in Japan, which characterize multiculturalism. and we will clarify the characteristics of spiritual care of social welfare in Japan, which is a multicultural tradition and multi-religious background. As a result, it is desirable to develop and utilize a practical model of spiritual care focusing on the spirituality experienced in daily life under culture and customs. We would like to discuss the diversity of spiritual care in multi-cultural-religious society. |