ヤノウ アキラ
Akira Yanou
矢納 陽 所属 川崎医療福祉大学 医療技術学部 診療放射線技術学科 職種 教授 |
言語種別 | 英語 |
発表タイトル | Shape Modeling of a String And Recognition Using Distance Sensor |
会議名 | IEEE 24th International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication(RO-MAN2015) |
学会区分 | 国際学会及び海外の学会 |
発表形式 | 口頭 |
講演区分 | 一般 |
発表者・共同発表者 | ◎Keisuke Mukai, Takayuki Matsuno, Akira Yanou and Mamoru Minami |
発表年月日 | 2015/08 |
開催地 (都市, 国名) |
Kobe, Japan |
概要 | The demand is growing that a robot manipulates a deformable object. Scenarios for both of a grasping point and transfer of grasped point are required, in order to manipulate a deformable object by a robot. Therefore, it is important for a robot to recognize its form by using image information. In this paper, three-dimensional points groups of a string are obtained by a camera that has distance measure equipment. A shape model called ``point chain model'' is obtained from points group based on proposed algorithm. In this algorithm, first, points which are estimated to be outside of target object are removed from obtained points groups. Secondly, points groups obtained from various viewpoints are combined to reconstruct three-dimensional shape of a string. Thirdly, central axes of a string are abstracted from combined points groups. Finally, central axes are chained to construct the point chain model. Effectiveness of proposed algorithm is confirmed by experiment. |