ウエダ カヨコ   Ueda Kayoko
  植田 嘉好子
   所属   川崎医療福祉大学  医療福祉学部 医療福祉学科
   職種   准教授
言語種別 英語
発表タイトル The Meaning of Students' Volunteer Experience in Welfare Education
-Demonstrating "Phenomenological Reduction" as a Healthcare Research Method
会議名 31st International Human Science Research Conference
学会区分 国際学会及び海外の学会
発表形式 口頭
講演区分 一般
発表者・共同発表者◎Kayoko Ueda
発表年月日 2012/06/26
(都市, 国名)
Montreal, CANADA
学会抄録 31st International Human Science Research Conference GUIDE 63
概要 The purpose of this study is to elucidate the meaning of students’ volunteer experiences using the concept of “phenomenological reduction”. As volunteer activity in welfare education is considered to be difficult to teach and evaluate due to the diversity of activity and students’ individuality, it is necessary to reveal how they actually perceive their volunteer experience in helping others.
This study also aims to demonstrate “phenomenological reduction” as a healthcare research method, in place of previous literary or abstract phenomenological methods. “Phenomenological reduction” is a valid interpretation of “phenomena” (e.g. statements, actions, and expressions) based on the subject’s ‘embodiment’ & ‘desire’, which explain the subject’s “existence”.
The statements presented by volunteer students were reduced that they were initially drawn to others’ vulnerability, which encouraged them to volunteer. However, students gradually realized how distinctively different the actual needs and desires of those they had assisted were, than from what they originally imagined. Some students experienced it as a failure, others as a marvelous pleasure, finding “the other” to develop a new side of themselves.
This result suggests that volunteer experience would awaken students’ consciousness of vulnerable people from “weak and helpless” to as “precious others”. “Co-existence society” - the goal of welfare education- would be formed not on the equal relationship between self and others, but rather on the awe and yearning for “the other” through discovering “the other” transcended self. Thus “Phenomenological reduction” would be a fundamental principle to bring holistic human understanding, through mutually exploring “phenomena” and “existence”.