Naoko Takei
Department Kawasaki Medical School Kawasaki Medical School, Department of Hygiene, Position Assistant Professor |
Language | English |
Category | 部分執筆 |
Sole-authored or Co-authored | Co-authored |
Title | Silica-induced immunotoxicity: chronic and aberrant activation of immune cells |
Book title | In: Allergy and Immunotoxicology in Occuaptional Health, (Series Title: Current Topics in Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine) |
Edition, Volume, Page | pp.15-26 |
Publisher | Springer Japan |
Publication place (City and country) | Tokyo, Japan |
Author and coauthor | Lee S,Hayashi H, Matsuzaki H, Kumagai-Takei N, Maeda M, Yoshitome K, Yamamoto S, Hatayama T, Nishimura Y, Otsuki T. |
Publication date | 2016 |