ニシマツ シンイチロウ   Shinichiro Nishimatsu
  西松 伸一郎
   所属   川崎医科大学  医学部 一般教養 自然科学
   職種   教授
論文種別 総説
言語種別 英語
査読の有無 査読あり
表題 Diurnal regulation of per repeat family in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of rat brain.
掲載誌名 正式名:Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews
略  称:Neurosci Biobehav Rev
巻・号・頁 18(4),pp.571-577
著者・共著者 Ishida Nori, Nishimatsu Shin-ichiro, Matsui Miwa, Mitsui Youji, Nohno Tsutomu, Shibata Naoki, Noji Sumihare
担当区分 2nd著者
発行年月 1994
概要 We have recently reported fluctuations in the expression of the period repeat sequence, pp2.5, during light-dark cycles in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of rat. Presently, we performed in situ hybridization which shows that the fluctuation of pp2.5 expression continues during constant darkness conditions in the SCN of rat. The light exposure during subjective night but not subjective day triggered its elevated expression in a time- dependent manner which is parallel to that of c-fos expression. In this review, the cloning and characterization of multiple per repeat sequences from mouse genom and rat brain mRNA were summarized. The abundance or a novel per repeat mRNA (designated as RB15) fluctuates during a light-dark cycle in the SCN. These findings suggest that per repeat sequence may have a role for the mammalian circadian rhythms. The evolutionary relationship between the mammarian per repeat sequence and the Drosophila period gene is also discussed.
文献番号 7708371