オカ マユミ   Oka Mayumi
  岡 真由美
   所属   川崎医療福祉大学  リハビリテーション学部 視能療法学科
   職種   教授
Language English
Title Evaluating clinical competence of orthoptists students.
Conference The XIth International Orthoptic Congress
Conference Type International society and overseas society
Presentation Type Poster notice
Lecture Type General
Publisher and common publisher◎高﨑裕子, 難波哲子, 米田剛, 前田史篤, 岡真由美
Date 2008/05
(city and name of the country)
Antwarp, Belgium
Society abstract Refrections on the diversity of current orthoptics. Transaction of the XIth International Orthoptic Congress. 238