ヒョウ ユキヨシ   Yukiyoshi Hyo
  兵 行義
   所属   川崎医科大学  医学部 臨床医学 耳鼻咽喉・頭頸部外科学
   職種   臨床講師
Article types 原著
Language English
Peer review Peer reviewed
Title Role of ciprofloxacinin its synergistic effect with fosfomycin on drug- resisitant strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Journal Formal name:Chemotherapy
ISSN code:00093157/14219794
Domestic / ForeginForegin
Volume, Issue, Page 53(3),pp.202-209
Author and coauthor Yamada Sakuo, Hyo Yukiyoshi, Ohmori Sachiyo, Ohuchi Masanobu
Authorship 2nd author
Publication date 2007/04
DOI 10.1159/000100811
Document No. 17356268