(Last updated : 2024-05-20 16:50:02)
  Kazunori Toida
   Department   Kawasaki Medical School  Kawasaki Medical School, Department of Anatomy,
   Position   Professor
■ Present specialized field
Neuroanatomy, Anatomy, Histology, Cell Biology, Developmental Biology (Key Word:Neuroanatomy, Neural Circuit, Olfaction, Synapse)  Link
■ BooK
1. 2002   Cathecolaminergic neurons in the olfactory bulb., Cathecholamine Research: From Molecular Insights to Clinical Medicine 
■ Journal
1. 2023/03 Effects of estradiol on dopaminergic synapse formation in the mouse olfactory bulb. 
2. 2022/12/22 Intronic enhancer of Nr5a1 gene is essential for its expression in pituitary gonadotrope and postnatal development of male reproductive organs. 
3. 2021/06 Structural Basis for Noradrenergic Regulation of Neural Circuits in the Mouse Olfactory Bulb  Link
4. 2021/05 Maturation of complex synaptic connections of layer 5 cortical axons in the posterior thalamic nucleus requires SNAP25  Link
5. 2020/09/15 Variations in GABA immunoreactivity among granule cells of the mouse olfactory bulb, as revealed by high-voltage electron microscopy  Link
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■ Presentation
1. 2023/03/18 New neuronal labeling centrifugal neurons to analyze olfactory regulation ~Histaminergic neurons~ (ポスター掲示,一般) 
2. 2022/11/04 Multimodal Regulation of Olfactory Neural Crcuit, as Revealed by Correlated Laser and Volume Electron Microscopy. Ultra-high Voltage Electron Microscopy, and Electron Tomography (口頭,特別講演・招待講演など) 
3. 2020/03/26 Estradiol effects on synaptic plasticity of dopaminergic neurons in the mouse olfactory bulb. (口頭,一般) 
4. 2019/03/29 Laminar-specific organization of the olfactory bulb, with reference to centrifugally noradrenergic, cholinergic, and serotonergic innervations (口頭,一般) 
5. 2018/06/19 Structural Basis for Centrifugal Regulation of the Olfactory Bulb ~individual labeling and correlated Laser and volume/high-voltage EM microscopies~ (口頭)  Link
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■ Belonging society
1. Society for Neuroscience Link