(Last updated : 2024-05-08 15:26:35)
  Fukuoka Yoshiharu
   Department   Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare  ,
   Position   Professor
■ Journal
1. 2019/08 Mediating effect of perceived social support on the correlation between the past parent-child relationships and psychological well-being in late adolescence. 
2. 2018/08 Effects of the mother-father relationship on loneliness in late adolescence: Mediating roles of social skills and social support 
3. 2018/03 Stability of index of social support reciprocity among friendships: Distinction between perceived and enacted support 
4. 2017/04 Standardization of Brief Inventory of Social Support Exchange Network (BISSEN) in Japan 
5. 2017/03 Effects of trust in parents, expectations from parents, and perception of parents' expectations on university students' achievement motivation. 
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■ Presentation
1. 2016/07/28 Effects of trust in parents, expectations from parents, and perception of parents' expectations on university students' achievement motivation. (Poster notice,General) 
2. 2016/07/25 The association between individual-level social capital and suicidal ideation in Japan. (Poster notice,General) 
3. 2013/08/23 Great East Japan Earthquake and Critical Incident Stress of Journalists (Speech,Panelist at Symposium/Workshop (Appointed)) 
4. 2012/11/02 Characteristics of Traumatic Stress in Chinese Journalist (Poster notice,General) 
5. 2012/11/02 The Tohoku Earthquake and Critical Incident Stress of Journalists (2): Questionnaire Survey With Newspaper Companies in the Disaster Area (Poster notice,General) 
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